Migrant kids in Estonian schools
Each year, there are thousands of people who move to Estonia to live here for a shorter or longer time. Some of them move with school aged children and decide to put their kids in Estonian school.
Moving to a new place, a new school system, a new language is rarely without challenges, and the process of adaptation takes time. Also Estonian schools do not yet have a lot of experience on successfully supporting the new migrant children. During 2020 and 2021, International House Tartu helps schools to analyze how better support children, and develops teacher trainings and background materials to schools.
In 2019 we made first mapping of issues schools consider challenging and also had few interviews with migrant parents. In 2020 we developed our first version of teacher training and tested it together with following schools: Tallinna Vaba Waldorfkool, Vaimastvere kool and Tartu Descartes´i Kool.
In 2020 and 2021 we will continue with training schools and we´d also like to zoom more into migrant parents´ needs and experiences. Therefore, if you are a migrant parent and your child goes to Estonian school where the language of instruction is Estonian or Russian, we´d be happy if you chould share your experience. We´d like to ask what was easy, what was confusing, what kind of support did you get and what kind of support your child and yourself would have appreciated etc.
If you are interested in sharing your experiences, please send an e-mail to kool@internationalhouse.ee, and our project team (Karolin and/or Nastja) will get in touch with you and set up time for a conversation. You can also call nastja at + 372 51 32 891 if that works better for you.
Projekti “Uued lapsed koolis: uussisserändajatega seotud väljakutsed Eesti koolides ja kohanemise toetamine” kaasrahastavad Euroopa Liit Varjupaiga-, Rände- ja Integratsioonifondi kaudu ning EV Siseministeerium.
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